2 oz Laird's Apple Jack
1 oz home made grenadine (requires 2 large pomegranates, 2 cups sugar, 1/2 oz wine, citrus bitters)
1/2 oz lemon juice
1 dash Peychaud's Bitters
Lets start with the grenadine, which is a nightmare. After many hours of research and experimentation, I have determined pomegranates are just miserable.
I tried paddling it, I tried picking the seeds out underwater, none of it is fun, all of it is terrible. The only advice I can give is wear and apron and don't drop it because then it looks like you murdered someone.
Right, moving on. Seed both the pomegranates add a half cup of water, put on the stove in a covered pot. Apply medium heat for 10 minutes, until the seeds are limp and give up their juices.
These pomegranates are from the Davis Farmer's Market. One of them was filled with seeds so ripe they were almost black; the other had a much lighter color. The lighter seeds had a more tart taste, the darker much sweeter. I actually recommend getting a combination, if at all possible. Next pour the entire mixture into a blender and pulse in five second bursts until all the seeds appear popped.
Now strain them back into the pot, being careful not to force the pits through the mesh.
Add the sugar to form a simple syrup. Let cool, then add the vodka and bitters. Citrus is recommended, but I prefer dandelion bitters because citrus is boring some days. The vodka will help keep it fresh in the fridge for a few weeks.
Now for the fun part! Combine all ingredients in a shaker over cubed ice, shake the dickens out of it for a solid thirty seconds, strain and serve in a martini glass. Enjoy with totally disregard to any prat who thinks Jack Roses aren't for men. Hemingway drank them, for God's sake.
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